Monday, December 12, 2011

Bishop T.D. Jakes speaks on Penn State, Eddie Long, Economy

Best-selling author Bishop T.D. Jakes spoke with CNN’s Don Lemon about everything from the Occupy Wall Street movement and the frustrations of most Americans to the sex abuse scandals and allegations against his friend and colleague Bishop Eddie Long.

Lemon, who has admitted to being a victim of sex abuse as a child, asked Jakes his thoughts about all the sex abuse scandals that have been in the news recently, particularly at Penn State. “This has been going on for years,” said Jakes.

“With one in six boys molested in this country before the age of 18 and one in four girls - this is not a new story.”

Jakes said what concerns him most is that most of the abuse occurring against children in America is not being highlighted. He says that is particularly troubling because 50 percent of young boys who are molested are abused at home by someone they know.

“It’s time for parents to really take a sharp wake up call and build the kind of better communication mechanisms with their children so that we can really check to make sure that this is not happening… in our neighborhoods and communities,” he said.

Speaking of the allegations against Long, Jakes said the main difference between the two cases is that if the allegations against his friend are true, the misconduct involved older boys who could speak up for themselves, not 10-year-old children.

Watch and discuss:

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